Street Smarts

Street Smarts

Pedestrian injuries are a leading cause of injury-related death in the United States for children ages 5 to 19.

Pedestrian safety for ages 8-10

These videos stress the importance of using crosswalks and reading traffic signals so younger pedestrians learn the safest way to cross streets while they are still walking with adults.

Pedestrian safety for ages 8-10 full video [9:42]

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Safe Paths game

Check your Street Smarts with this Safe Paths game.

Pedestrian safety for ages 10-12

These videos are meant to reach pre-teens while they are still forming safe walking habits to encourage paying full attention when walking alone or with friends.

Walking safe tips for ages 10-12 full video [7:19]

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Distracted walking and role modeling for ages 10-12 full video [4:45]

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Pedestrian safety around trains and busses for ages 10-12 full video [7:20]

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